6 research outputs found

    Protection and Exchange of Personal Data on the Web in the Registry of Civil Status

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    Personal data are widely consumed by the central civil registry using interconnection systems as web services and by other institutions that use the data to deliver services. Therefore, the risks of misuse of personal data are major concerns, thus the need for protection and security by improving personal data reliability. This paper analyzes the links between the Central Registry of Civil Status and other institutions and the security of the links by providing data protection and security during communication with web services. This paper emphasizes privacy in information technology and explores modern challenges for every legal entity and natural person. The protection of personal data in related institutions is discussed. The case study concerns the interconnections between the Central Registry of Civil Status in the Republic of Kosovo and other systems in data exchange institutions, such as the modern part of e-government. For data collection, a questionnaire was administered at the institution responsible for the central civil registry to evaluate the protection of personal data and the connection with other institutions from which such personal data originate and are consumed. This paper has also studied the level of applying cryptographic security methods to protect personal data. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-01-03 Full Text: PD

    An Empirical Analysis of Fintech's Impacts on the Financial Performance of Banks in Kosovo

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    This analysis aims to empirically investigate the impact of different forms of Fintech on the financial performance of banks in Kosovo from 2010 to 2021. The research is based on secondary data, accounting for 48 observations at quarterly frequencies. The model treats bank performance (i.e., net profits of the bank sector) as an endogenous variable of ATMs, POS, and e-payments. The methodology applied in the research is based on the OLS technique and diagnostic tests for evaluating the normality of distribution, multicollinearity, autocorrelation, specification error, and heteroscedasticity. Results show that the variability of ATMs and e-payments determines bank performance variability. In particular, e-payments show a significant positive impact on bank profitability, whereas ATM payments display a negative impact on bank profitability. In addition, an increase in ATM payments by 1% decreases bank profitability by 0.367%. While an increase in e-payments by 1% increases bank profitability by 0.11%. The POS payments were found to have no significant relationship with bank profitability. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-03-016 Full Text: PD

    Model SAAS on International Payment Organizations

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    Today's use of information technology is vast and involves almost every sphere of life. For this reason, the digitization of many common services is inevitable, including an important part such as card payment services, digitized banking industry. The first step in this regard is the process of data evaluation using analytical and logical reasoning to examine each component of the data provided. This form of analysis is only one of the many steps to be completed when conducting a research analysis. Gathering data from different sources, revised, and then analyzed to form a finding or a conclusion. There are a variety of data analysis methods, some of which include data mining, textual analysis, business intelligence, and visualization of data. Data Analysis is a process of inspection, purification, transformation, and data modeling with the purpose of discovering useful information, suggesting conclusions, and supporting decision-making. Data analysis has multiple aspects and approaches, including various techniques under a variety of names, in various businesses, science, and the field of social sciences. This paper deals with:  Analyzing and investigating data with the main purpose of recognizing the environment where card transactions are processed, leading players from history to innovations in this industry. This research paper provides a brief summary of a bank card payment technology industry that has historically been always closed to the public with a view to maintaining control, global market domination and data retention of confusing.The document addresses separately the SaaS model of services, innovations in financial technology and the concept of Digital Banking.Another main goal of this research is the introduction of payment systems in Kosovo, and research that through which technological investments can increase card payments in Kosovo

    Financial and Legal Obligations that appear from Internet Traffic - Technology of Information and Communication Kosovo Case

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    In this case study we have presented the comparison of the calls made by the clients to the telephone operator Y and the calls which have been transferred to the company responsible for the quiz through telephone calls. During this analysis we gathered calls from the Composite Call Data Record (CDR), the CDR partition is divided in two part, the CDR Originating part and the part of the CDR transit part.The part of the CDR Originating are as the showed following: Calling Party Number, Called Party Number, Date Fort Start Of Charge, Time For Start Of Charge, Time For Stop Of Charge and Chargeable Duration. The part of the CDR Transit part contains completely the same data that must be identical because it is the same call that additionally contains other information such as the name of the incoming route from which the call and outbound route or where the call came from is addressed by identifying its name. The data has been decoded by the hexadecimal system in the decade system to compare the numbers of calls, duration calls and time of calls. From the analysis that is done in this case study has come out there is a difference from the number of calls as well the duration of the calls that have been on the part of the customers to the operator Y and the calls directed by the operator Y in the contracting company X

    Legal and constitutional aspects of Kosovo until the dissolution of the former Yugoslavia

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    Abstract: Being one of the constituent units of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the             constitutional legal position of the Republic of Kosovo has evolved at various stages of the political and legal               development of the Federation. This paper analyzes the legal and constitutional position                 of Kosovo in the former          Yugoslavia, namely up to 1989. The analysis includes some legal source documents of the 1990s, which paved                 the way for the establishment of the state of Kosovo, such as The Constitutional Declaration of 2 July 1990, the                 adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo on 7 September 1990 and the 1991 referendum on independence. These legal acts preceded the war for independence and establishment of the state of Kosovo on           17.02.2008.                 The subject of this study is the legal and constitutional position of Kosovo in the former Yugoslavia, as well      as the legal acts adopted by the parallel organs of Kosovo in the 1990s.                 In the elaboration of the paper we have used the historical method which has helped us to analyze the main         events that have taken place for the time that the paper has dealt with. The main method used to elaborate this paper is            the legal method. This method has allowed us to interpret the legal and constitutional norms that regulate Kosovo's          status in the former Yugoslavia

    Analyzing OSI Model Layers, Benefits and Disadvantages

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    Since long time ago, people understood the need and importance of standardization. It was clear that in order to cooperate and trade with each-other we need some rules on preparing or making goods. These rules are standards. Without them, the things could work only in one village, city or state, but not further. By using standards, the goods made in one part of the world can be used in the other part of the world. With development of internet and computers, the same approach applied too. For computers and networks to grow, we need to set some fundamental rules. There were are many vendors who worked on networks and computers. Without a precisely defined set of rules that everybody agrees on, we would create a chaos and the Internet as we know it would not be possible. Since the yearly days, there were initiatives to prepare standards. One of these was done by the International Standards Organization (ISO), which lead to creation of the Open Systems Interconnection model, known as “OSI Model”. In this paper will be discussed about disadvantages of OSI Model- comparison with TCP IP. The Open Systems Interconnection (ISO Model), is the most known model of explaining how network works and how data flows through networks. It is almost impossible to read or start learning about networks and not read about it. This model has seven layers (numbered from Layer 1 to Layer 7) and is widely used to explain the networks and flow of the information